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Word About Town
News, Current Affairs and Lifestyle Journalism of the Illawarra and Sydney Regions

Severe Lack of Trans Health Services in NSW: A Non-Binary Trans Person's Experience
Being transgender comes with a number of trials and tribulations, especially if you want to medically transition. Undergoing a process...

What Does the Deteriorating US-Philippine Relationship mean for Australia?
Rodrigo Duterte being sworn in as the 16th President of the Philippines on June 30 2016. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons President of the...

$219 million worth of funding to be spread across 2000 NSW schools
PHOTOGRAPH: Marco Antonio Torres (via flickr) On Wednesday, the NSW government announced a record $219 million funding investment to be...

Illawarra man involved in Child Exploitation sting.
A covert online investigation into child exploitation that was undertaken by officers attached to Strike Force Trawler has seen an Albion...

Mike Baird to discuss council merger in Wollongong.
Mike Baird - Photo: Eva Rinaldi Contending NSW Premier, Mike Baird, will be at the WIN Entertainment Centre in Wollongong, from Sunday to...

Citizens United Ruling Has Allowed Both Presidential Candidates to Violate FEC Policy
Every four years, in a kind of grandiose circus, the United States elects a new president. Every four years the amount of money spent on...

Wollongong walking for mental health
Mental health in Australia unfortunately still falls victim to stigmatization. Occurring wherever negative opinions, judgments or...

Hands Off Syria Sydney protest against U.S and Australian involvement in Syria.
Hands Off Syria protesters at Martin Place, Sydney - Photographer: Tim Anderson Unconfirmed reports emerged on Wednesday, of a second...

Art4Refugees 2016 Set To Be The Biggest Yet
The annual Art4Refugees fundraiser for the Strategic Community Assistance to Refugee Families (SCARF) opens tonight at Project Contemporary

NSW Hospital Privatisation Contested by N&MA Union
The NSW Nurses & Midwives Association announced last week that it is “resolved to take all necessary actions to conduct a campaign against t
A contemporary News and Lifestyle website covering topics from the local Wollongong area and greater Sydney regions

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